Number: 37
Family: Nymphaliidae
Sub-Family: Heliconiinae
Sub-Family: Heliconiinae
Species: Vindula erota erota (Fabricius, 1793)
Common name(s): The Common Cruiser
Photography location: Cuc Phuong N.P. (Ninh Binh Prov.), Hanoi City
The genus Vindula is represented in Vietnam by 2 species – erota and dejone (Monastyrskii & Devyatkin, 2016). The former is recorded throughout the country, the latter from central and south regions only.
The gorgeously coloured Vindula erota is one of the most familiar species in the Oriental region, but it is only the male which has the dazzling orange wings - like all members of the genus Vindula this species is sexually dimorphic.
The gorgeously coloured Vindula erota is one of the most familiar species in the Oriental region, but it is only the male which has the dazzling orange wings - like all members of the genus Vindula this species is sexually dimorphic.
The females tend to keep more to the canopy of
woodland and are much less often encountered than the males
Congregation of puddling butterflies in Cuc Phuong, with Vidula erota and 3 species of Cyrestis (C. themire, C. thyodamas and C. cocles)

Vindula erota with Cyrestis cocles
Congregation of puddling butterflies in Cuc Phuong, with Vidula erota and 3 species of Cyrestis (C. themire, C. thyodamas and C. cocles)

Vindula erota with Cyrestis cocles
Vindula erota (left) with Vagrans egista and Cirrochroa tyche
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