Saturday, 21 January 2017

239. Ypthima imitans (The False Four-ring)

Number: 239
Family: Nymphaliidae
Sub-Family: Satyriinae
Species: Ypthima imitans Elwes & Edwards,1893
Common name(s): The False Four-ring
Photography location: Tam Dao (Vinh Phuc Prov.)

The genus Ypthima comprising more than 100 species, of which 25 are known to occur in Vietnam.
Ypthima imitans is a restricted range species recorded in Vietnam (N. & C.), S.-E. China, Hainan.

Ypthima imitans, Tam Dao (900m asl, June 2016)
At Tam Dao, found both in lowland (<400) and low montane (400-1,300m) forests, even in degraded ones

Another specimen, from Tam Dao also (July 2016)

Voucher specimen showing both upper and underwing surfaces 

References; Uémura Y. & Monastyrskii, A.L., 2004. A Revisional Catalogue of the genus Ypthima Hubner (Lepidoptera : Satyridae) from Vietnam. You can download it here.

1 comment:

  1. Sebastien, I appreciate your site and the shots you've taken. Very helpful. I shoot butterflies in Hainan, and occasionally there are only a few sites online that have any info to offer about a particular species (the Y. imitans, for example), and then rarely in English. Especially here, I love your "Voucher specimen showing both upper and underwing surfaces"---I think every field guide should follow that practice of the split-shot. Very helpful. Thanks!
